

Clarksville is home to four major High Schools, six Middle Schools, and dozens of Elementary Schools. The Montgomery County School district prides itself on high test scores and encouraging the youth to particpate in extracuricular activities. Sizes of the schools vary, but are considered 'medium' sized schools. Common teacher to student ratio is 1:19, which I believe to be superb. Schools are equipped with on site security, or resource officers. All utilize the locked door concept to keep the students safe inside the school. Overall, Clarksville hosts numerous schools which provide a rich and nurturing enviornment for children to thrive.

Clipart school bus


Clarksville, Tennesse is home to the Austin Peay State University. The campus is conveniently located in downtown Clarksville. This beautiful campus is small yet refined. The University offers degree programs from associates through doctoral levels. They also boast to have a terrific STEM program. They provide outreach to the youth with junior code camps in the summer. Their basketball team is well liked around here, as I believe their baseball team as well. Their team name/mascot, "The Governors" is a nice chuckle, as it reminds all of the Monopoly man. More inforation on Austin Peay found at Austin Peay State University

The Governors Logo